World Earth Day 2024: Conflicts, plastics, ideas, and illogical statements | Sustainable Projects to Promote a Greener Future |

World Earth Day, observed on April 22, began in 1970 as a way for Americans based organizations to raise awareness of the widespread environmental devastation they were seeing at the time. More than 190 nations have since added World Earth Day to their calendars, extending the holiday’s popularity.

The occasion serves as both a somber reminder of the work still to be done and a joyous occasion to acknowledge the advancements made in the fight against climate change. Additionally, it has served as a stimulus for initiatives like the establishment of environmental organizations and global climate accords.

Planet vs. Plastics is this year’s topic, and it urges businesses, public officials, and regular citizens to cut plastic production by 60% by 2040.Additionally, it demands that single-use plastics be completely phased out by the end of this decade.

Over 20 million individuals took part in the inaugural World Earth Day event.

World Earth Day 2024

On April 22, 1970, millions of people took part in the inaugural World Earth Day event. Fifth Avenue in Manhattan was closed off throughout the protests, and attendees took part in street cleanups.

Members of the architectural company Warner, Burns, Toan & Lunde embodied the festive spirit on Fifth Avenue by setting out a yellow and white quilt on the tarmac at 57th Street, arranging a tulip in a wine bottle as a centerpiece, and having a picnic in the sun. That day, the New York Times wrote, “A laughing crowd gathered around them and sang, ‘Happy World Earth Day to You.”

On World Earth Day, tens of millions of trees were planted.

World Earth Day 2024

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, deforestation results in the loss of about 18 million acres of forest year. established the Canopy Project in 2010 to address this issue, and it claims to have planted tens of millions of trees globally since then.

In 1990, Earth Day became international.

The inaugural World Earth Day campaign attracted millions of participants, and later that year, important environmental laws such as the National Environmental Education Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Clean Air Act were passed in the United States.

According to the history page of, “World Earth Day 1970 achieved a rare political alignment, enlisting support from Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, urban dwellers and farmers, business and labor leaders.”

However, it affects more than a single nation. In 1990, the movement expanded worldwide when Hayes was invited by a group of influential environmentalists to lead yet another significant environmental campaign that involved 200 million people across 141 nations.


World Earth Day 2024: Companies Come Together Through Sustainable Projects to Promote a Greener Future

World Earth Day 2024

On this World Earth Day, it’s encouraging to see that an increasing number of businesses are embracing ethical business practices and environmental care by making major progress towards sustainability. These organizations are leading the way in preserving our planet for future generations by supporting eco-conscious activities, encouraging renewable energy, and minimizing plastic waste.

Coca-Cola India has initiated the “Bhool Na Jana, Plastic Bottle Lautana” campaign in collaboration with Reliance Retail, the country’s biggest retailer. The purpose of this joint venture is to tackle the problem of PET bottle trash that occurs after consumption by placing collecting bins and Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) in Reliance Retail establishments.

The project supports the idea of a circular economy by rewarding consumers with discounts on Coca-Cola goods in return for their used PET bottles. This encourages recycling as well.

In the meantime, one of the biggest e-commerce sites in India, Flipkart, has led the charge in the retail industry’s sustainability initiatives. Flipkart remains committed to obtaining sustainable packaging materials responsibly, even after eliminating single-use plastic entirely from its supply chain in 2021. The company wants to empower ecologically and socially conscious consumers and encourage sustainable consumption habits. One such project is Flipkart Green, an online store that sells products that are sustainable in both social and environmental aspects.

Significant environmental pledges have also been made by KFC India, notably the reduction of plastic consumption and the switch to recyclable and compostable packaging materials. “By partnering with franchisees, suppliers, and industry stakeholders, KFC India is on track to achieve 100% sustainable packaging by 2025, setting a high standard for the quick-service restaurant industry,” says Moksh Chopra, our General Manager at KFC India & Partner Countries.

The “Go Green with Tetra Pak” campaign from Tetra Pak South Asia is a prime example of how crucial community involvement is to sustainable projects. “Another impactful initiative, Alag Karo, in partnership with NGO Saahas in the NCR, champions the promotion of 3-way waste segregation at the source,” states Juhi Gupta, Head of Sustainability, Tetra Pak South Asia.

60 tonnes of waste are remarkably diverted from landfills each day as a result of this cooperative effort; dry waste is sorted and sent for recycling, and organic waste is composted or converted into biogas. This program has proven to have significant social value; for every INR 1 invested in its first and second phases, it generated INR 2.77 and INR 2.95, respectively.

Zoomcar is a leader in shared mobility solutions, and its emphasis on electric cars (EVs) and car-sharing services is transforming urban transportation. Zoomcar is encouraging a move toward more environmentally friendly modes of transportation in addition to lowering carbon emissions with over 170,000 EV reservations to date and future growth plans.

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5 Kids-Friendly World Earth Day Facts

  • Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin created Earth Day in 1969
World Earth Day 2024
Image credit: American Forest

Senator Gaylord Nelson was concerned that environmental issues were not receiving enough attention in the political sphere, particularly after he saw the consequences of the 1969 California oil spill. He was inspired by college-aged Vietnam War demonstrators to plan a national grassroots campaign to raise awareness and encourage participation in conservation; what began as “teach-ins” turned into an international awareness day.

  • In 1970, World Earth Day was first observed.

The date of Nelson’s demonstration was April 22, 1970. In an attempt to attract college students, it was intentionally scheduled to take place between spring break and final examinations. According to the environmental advocacy group World Earth Day Network, about 20 million Americans participated, and it quickly became the first official World Earth Day.

  • One senator started World Earth Day.

In the 1960s, Gaylord Nelson, a Democratic senator from Wisconsin, was becoming more and more alarmed about the condition of the American environment. He was inspired by the nationwide anti-war demonstrations against the Vietnam War taking place on college campuses across the nation to organize a teach-in on college campuses with an environmental focus following a significant oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, in January 1969. Young activist Denis Hayes was enlisted by Nelson to assist in popularizing the concept.

  • Global efforts have improved the environment.

Around the world Earth Day has motivated individuals to take action. For instance, in 2012, over 100,000 individuals commuted by bicycle in China. On Earth Day 2011, 28 million trees were planted in Afghanistan as well.

Speaking of planting trees, on World Earth Day in 2023, 8,187 volunteers from the US-based One Tree Planted group planted 44,427 trees, 8,395 shrubs, and 500,500 seedlings as part of a global tree-planting frenzy!

  • Every year, World Earth Day has a different topic.

The Earth Day Network selects a subject each year to help coordinate international activities to preserve and clean up our world. The ambitious target of reducing global plastic production by 60% by 2024 is the focus of the Planet vs. Plastics topic for 2024.



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